(Story from The Frederick Extra, by Katherine Heerbrandt) A storefront with large marijuana leaf decals would have raised a few eyebrows not long ago. Medical marijuana was legalized in Maryland in 2015, and will be available to patients by the end of the summer.
To get a “head start” on what owners predict will be a bottleneck of people seeking prescriptions, a medical marijuana intake office opened in Frederick in February. CEO Michel La Doucier, a medical researcher, opened Green Health Docs in the Monocacy Village Shopping Center on East Street on Feb. 20. Green Docs is the gateway to getting into dispensaries, La Doucier said.
“We are an evaluation clinic center,” the Colorado native said. “The state of Maryland requires [a medical marijuana patient] to have at least one medical condition [to qualify for a state-issued card,] and the patient needs to provide verification for that condition. We can also absorb that patient into our practice.”
For the rest of the story, visit https://www.thefrederickextra.com/single-post/2017/04/10/Cannabis-Clinic-Opens