The CDC has still issued a moratorium.

Frederick, Md (NS) Although Governor Larry Hogan’s eviction moratorium expired Sunday, the CDC’s nationwide order to extend moratoriums for areas with a high COVID transmission rate is still in effect. 13 Maryland counties, including Frederick, have a high transmission rate.
Todd Kelting, a civil litigation attorney in Bethesda, says Frederick County has about 3,700 tenants behind on rent.
He said in total around 140,000 Marylanders are behind on their rent, on average $4,000 – $5,000, and the courts are so far behind that the numbers are growing. With slow courts, tenants are at less at risk of being evicted.
However, the federal government has provided more than $750 million in assistance for Maryland. This is money that tenants can tap into to help pay for long due rent. However, Kelting says, “The problem has been that local jurisdictions who are charged with distributing this money have had an impossible time getting the money out.”
Kelting says many “small landlords,” who only own one or a few properties, are struggling to pay their own mortgages when they cannot receive any rent money. He says these are the people bearing the brunt of the situation.
He concluded that the real victims of the situation are the people who do not take advantage of the financial assistance offered.