She held a public information briefing on Thursday.

Frederick, MD (KB) County Executive Jan Gardner said Frederick County is in the middle of a dangerous surge of Delta variant cases of COVID-19.
“We’re in the midst of the second highest wave of new cases, and transmission rates in Frederick County remain high,” she said. “And the bad news continues — there are currently outbreaks in eight of our nursing homes and in seven of our public schools.”
The County Executive issued three calls to action at a public information briefing on Thursday. One was for members of the community to get vaccinated, especially young adults in their 20s and 30s.
“There are currently 31 people with COVID who are patients in the hospital, including seven in the ICU,” she explained. “Most of these patients are unvaccinated — I want to sress this — unvaccinated people are filling up our hospital and the ICU.”
Gardner encouraged residents to continue to wear masks in public indoor spaces to reduce community transmission.
“Frederick County and many counties in Maryland are experiencing high rates of community transmission as tracked by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, or the CDC,” said Gardner.
She also urged members of the community to “do their part” when it comes to protecting more vulnerable populations from getting COVID-19. More specifically, Gardner said we need to protect children who are unable to get vaccinated, as well as the elderly and immunocompromised populations.
Gardner said the three calls to action will help keep schools and the local economy open..
Frederick County Executive’s calls to action:
1) Get vaccinated
2) Wear masks at indoor public places until transmission rates are reduced to a moderate level
3) Do your part to protect those who are most vulnerable