SHA says crews will be fill in cracks in the highway.

Frederick, Md (KM) A road-preservation project will begin next Tuesday, September 7th on a stretch of Route 26 in Carroll County. Elizabeth Harris, a spokeswoman for the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration, says crews will be filling in the cracks along the highway between Buffalo Road near the Frederick County line to Ridge Road (Route 27) north of Mount Airy. It’s expected to take one week to finish.
“This crack sealing is actually preventative maintenance work that helps protect the pavement from water damage and extend the use of its life,” she says.,
Harris says a flagging operation will be set up along that three-mile stretch of Route 26 with cones and signs. “And all we ask is that people make sure that they pay close attention to what is happening on the roads,” she says. “We will have a flag operation so we will be maintaining traffic but yo have to wait a little bit just to get through.”
SHA says when this project is completed, similar work will take place on Route 550 in the Woodsboro area in Frederick County. . “A span of about three miles between Mill Street and Parson’s Vale. We expect to start that right after this one on 26. And that will take about three to four days to complete,” says Harris.
A second project will begin along US 40A in the Middletown area. “We’re going between the Washington County line and Mount Tarbor Road. That’s a span of about two miles. All of this is daytime work. This project will also take about three to four days to complete,” Harris says.
By Kevin McManus