He says Frederick needs someone who will “get things done.”
Frederick, MD (KB) He was elected to the Frederick City Board of Aldermen in 2017, and now he’s running for mayor. Alderman Roger Wilson said he has lived in Frederick with his family for the past 25 years.
“I’ve had experiences volunteering in the community and I’m currently the president of the Frederick County chapter of the Maryland Municipal League,” said Wilson. “I love biking and movies and walking my dog, Kojo.”
Wilson has been an active member of the community.
“In 2014, I was appointed by County Executive Jan Gardner to be the Director of Public Policy and Government Affairs. In that post, I was the liaison between Frederick County and its local, state, and federal partners and working to advance the county’s interest in Annapolis and beyond,” he said.
As a member of the Frederick City Board of Aldermen, Wilson said he passed legislation to help youth and seniors in the community — like the creation of the Youth Advisory Council and the senior tax credit.
Wilson said the people of Frederick need a mayor who will “get things done.”
“If I’m elected, I plan to hit the ground running. In my first 100 days, I want to focus on public safety, smart growth, and making city government work for the people it serves,” he said. “We need to change the city’s culture from a reactive to a more proactive government and empower residents to be a partner in government.”
Wilson said he is someone who listens and solves problems.
“I can’t count the number of times residents have called me, emailed me, or stopped me on the street to ask for help with a problem,” he said. “The people of Frederick have waited far too long for change, for vision, for someone who will get things done.”
Frederick City’s Primary Election will take place September 14th and the General Election will be held November 2nd, 2021.
Link to Alderman Wilson’s campaign website: www.rogerforfrederick.com