It’s designed to help small companies and farms do business in the digital economy.
Frederick, Md (KM) Costs incurred by small businesses to expand into online sales or telework options can be covered by a grant. Frederick County Executive Jan Gardner says applications are now being taken for the Online Sales and Technology Grant Program. “The Online Sales and Technology Grants will help commercially based small businesses and farms in Frederick County to do business in an increasingly digital economy,” she says.
Companies located in Frederick County with 20 or fewer employees and have been in business prior to March 3rd, 2020 are eligible.
Gardner says $221,000 from the County’s share of the American Recovery Act has been set aside for this program. “Examples of ways these funds could be used include a website update so that they can expand and facilitate online sales; development of a new website for online sales; the purchase of laptops or other devices for remote work; and hardware, software upgrades to subscriptions related to online sales or telework,:” she says.
Applications can be filed at https://www.discoverfrederick.com/covid-19. The deadline is Friday, November 5th at 3:00 PM. Grants will be awarded on December 1st, 2021.
“The money can be used to reimburse the business for expenses that occurred since March of 2020, or pay for some new expenses,” says Gardner. “The exact amount of each grant will vary based on the cost the business has incurred or will incur. Each business can potentially receive up to $10,000.”
All industries are invited to apply, but Gardner says this round of grants will be limited to for-profit businesses that maintain a commercial space, or farms.
By Kevin McManus