Maryland Citizen’s Redistricting Commission’s 2022 Congressional District Map Current Map
He said it was created fairly and according to the Maryland Constitution.
Annapolis, Md. (NS) – One proposal to redraw Maryland’s Congressional Districts is being supported by some local lawmakers.
Washington County Delegate Neil Parrott said the Maryland Citizen’s Redistricting Commission’s 2022 Congressional District map is the best he has seen in a long time.
“They cross county lines very, very few times in this map in order to keep communities of interest together,” Parrott said.
He said the current district lines developed by then-Governor Martin O’Malley in 2011 was gerrymandered.
“The current map that we have, it was created by Governor O’Malley… with the sole purpose of getting rid of Roscoe Bartlett,” he said.
Bartlett, a Republican, was defeated in his re-election bid that year. Since then, that seat has been held by Democrats.
He said this map is more fair compared to another map Democrats have drafted.
The new maps will be discussed at a special session of the Maryland General Assembly on December 6th.