He will be running for the 6th Congressional District in 2022.
Hagerstown, MD (KB) Maryland Delegate Neil Parrott announced on Wednesday that he will be running for U.S. Congress in the Western Maryland Congressional District. Parrott said he hopes to restore the freedoms that we have in this country.
“People are people we need to have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” said Parrott. “Unfortunately right now, a lot of kids, even at nine months old in the womb, are being aborted. They don’t have the right to life. That needs to change. Roe v. Wade needs to be overturned.”
Parrott also voiced his support for the 2nd Amendment during his announcement speech.
“We need to have our 2nd Amendment restored,” he explained. “Thankfully, there is a US court case right now that New York has the same kind of laws that Maryland has, and it looks like they’re going to overturn that New York law and say that ‘you’re allowed to carry unless there’s a reason why you shouldn’t carry,’ instead of, ‘you can’t carry unless there’s a special reason why you should carry.'”
Parrott said he believes citizens should have the choice whether or not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
“When you send me to D.C., I will be working to make sure that there’s no COVID Passport legal anywhere in this country,” stated Parrott.
He said one class of citizens should not be advantaged over another class of citizens just because they chose not to get vaccinated.
Parrott spoke about the education system and public schools.
“We need to have pro-parent policies and unfortunately right now, we don’t,” said Parrott. “We have an elitist culture that believes that they can teach the kids anything they want because when the parents send those kids to public school, they lose control and they should have no say in the curriculum, they should have no say in the philosophy that’s being taught, and I think that’s wrong.”
Parrott said he will also make sure police officers have all the resources necessary to keep our communities safe. He also supports efforts to widen I-270.
Parrott will be running for the 6th Congressional District in 2022.
Visit Parrott’s campaign website: https://www.neilparrott.org/