MDOT has resources to help you drive safer.
Frederick, Md (NS) – Are you driving safely? The Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration Administrator Chrissy Nizer said this week is Older Driver Safety Awareness Week (ODSAW).
“ODSAW is all about ensuring drivers remain as safe on the roadways as possible. We often use the phrase, ‘Safe mobility for life.’ We know that age alone is not an indication of a driver’s ability, but we do want motorists just to be aware of changes that might happen as they do age,” said Nizer.
She said you can improve your driving by putting away distractions.
“Anything that distracts you from driving really is something that you should avoid,” she said.
She said drivers should not speed or drive too slowly.
“If a driver comes upon another vehicle and it’s driving significantly below that expected speed limit on the roadway, that too can cause sudden braking, obviously if they’re not able to brake in time it could cause a rear-end crash,” Nizer said.
She said safety tips and resources for ODSAW are available at https://zerodeathsmd.gov/road-safety/older-driver-safety/.