First there were shut-downs, now a labor shortage.
Greencastle, Pa. (NS) – Shutdowns due to COVID and labor shortages have impacted area small businesses.
John Flannery, Franklin County Commissioner and owner of John Allison Public House in Greencastle, said profits for his business dropped about 60% and he was forced to lay off workers, change operating hours and offer carry-out service since they could not maintain their standard level of service.
“When you bring your business into a community, you make a commitment to be there for them. And when you have to close your doors as we did, it just breaks my heart,” Flannery said.
More recently, he said his restaurant had a lot of success in 2021, but he is still struggling to find enough workers due to a labor shortage in the area from rapid inflation and regional growth.
He said before the pandemic, business in south central Pennsylvania was strong.
“What it looks like after the pandemic is that businesses are cutting hours because they can’t staff. The labor shortage is just, it’s horrendous right now in Franklin County,” said Flannery.
At the start of the pandemic, over 40% of small businesses in the U.S. temporarily closed due to COVID-19.