Officials say the County’s COVID-19 transmission rate has improved.
Frederick, Md. (KM) – Beginning on Monday, March 7th, mask use is recommended not mandated for employees and visitors to most Frederick County government buildings. Officials say this is due to the county’s improved COVID-19 rate of transmission.
But masks will still be required at all senior centers operated by the Social Services Division and public transit. Everyone has to mask-up in some areas of Workforce Services and in health care-related settings and health care services. They include the Division of Fire and Rescue Services; The Health Department’s children’s dental clinics, tuberculosis assessments, and treatments for people still considered infectious; mental health clinic services; Medicaid enrollment; and services provided or managed by other organizations or agencies which require face coverings.
Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms will be required to wear a mask in all Frederick County government buildings.
By Kevin McManus