FCPS say it has one of the lowest drop out rates in Maryland.
Frederick, Md. (KM) – Frederick County Public Schools continues to have the highest graduation rate in Maryland, and one of the lowest dropout rates. .
The School System says in 2021, 93.7% of high school students received their diplomas, which is greater than 1% from 2020, and 6.5% higher than the state’s overall graduation rate.
The graduation rate for Hispanics/Latinos and English learners was much improved last year, increasing by nearly 9% from last year. There was also a 7% increase in graduation rates for English learners, School System officials say. They went up from 32.9% in 2017 to 63.3% in 2021. .
Over a four-year-period, the drop out for Frederick County Public Schools rate for 2021 was 2.6% which is more than a 1% decrease from 2020. The drop out rate for the state of Maryland is 7.4%, which is 4.8% higher than Frederick County. .
The School System says drop out rates for English learners, Hispanics and homeless students also decreased. English learners drop out rates went from -14.6% from 2020 to 2021. For Hispanics/ Latinos, the drop out rate declined by -8.4% and for homeless students it was -5.7%.
In a statement, the School System give credit to its employees and a supportive community. It says this support gives students opportunities not just to graduate, but to do well in their future educational and career paths.
By Kevin McManus