There is a 2 week wait to get fingerprints taken at the Sheriff’s Office to obtain a HQL and permit.
Frederick, Md. (NS) – It’s the right call for Governor Larry Hogan to end the ‘Good and Substantial Reason’ rule for carrying a handgun, making it easier for Marylanders to own a fire arm. That’s according to Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins who joined WFMD’s Morning News Express on Thursday.
“I’m very much in favor of it, I always have been because I’m a believer that every individual has a right to protect themselves wherever they have a legal right to be, and I think it was the right decision, right call,” said Jenkins.
He was asked what it would mean if guns were banned entirely:
“You basically have taken away every liberty and every right we have. Absolutely, we’re done as a society. The government will control everything,” Jenkins said.
He added that there has been an increase in residents applying to own a handgun since the ‘Good and Substantial Reason’ rule was dropped.
“What it means for the Sheriff’s Office right now, we’re being bombarded with people wanting fingerprinted to apply for the carry permits,” Jenkins explained.
He said it is a state requirement that fingerprints be taken in order to get a carry permit and Handgun Qualification License (HQL), and there is currently a 2 week wait list to get fingerprints taken.