County Executive Jan Gardner announced the milestone on Thursday.
Frederick, Md. (NS) – Last year, 100% of the energy used in Frederick County government’s buildings came from renewable energy.
During a public information briefing on Thursday, County Executive Jan Gardner said that’s just one step to slow climate change.
“The 2nd step we’ve taken is to purchase wind energy. The county bought Wind Renewable Energy Credits equal to 20,082 megawatts last year, last fiscal year, enough to cover the cost of providing electricity to all of our buildings,” said Gardner.
She said action needs to be taken this century, or else the county will see temperatures in the 90s for a quarter of the year.
“The actions that we take today, collectively, all of us, will help to slow the rate of climate change and lead to lower energy costs. In other words, we save green when we go green, and we can certainly all appreciate saving money,” Gardner added.
She also announced that the county will also convert its vehicle fleet to all electric and hybrid by next year.