He was arrested following a home invasion.
Brunswick, Md. (KM) – A Brunswick man has been charged with manufacturing and possessing a destructive device, along with three counts of 3rd-degree assault, and one count each of 1st-degree assault, 3rd-degree burglary, home invasion and reckless endangerment. Dominic Valenti, 25, was arrested following a joint investigation by the Brunswick Police Department and the Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office.
Authorities say Brunswick Officers were called to the 100 block of West C Street at 5:30 AM on Sunday, August 7th for a break-in. They say Valenti was inside the home, and threatened to kill one of the family members, holding a machete to the victim’s throat. . Officers arrested Valenti.
The Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office Bomb Squad was requested because police found possible improvised explosive devices on Valenti’s property. Bomb technicians rendered the devices safe while at the scene.
He was taken to a local hospital for an emergency evaluation.
Valenti is being held at the Frederick County Adult Detention Center without bond.
“The quick recognition of the potential hazard with these devices by the Brunswick Police and their decision to immediately contact us was absolutely appropriate in this incident,” says State Fire Marshal Brian Geraci, in a statement. “This serves as a positive reminder to all members of the public of the national message, ‘See Something, Say Something.'”
By Kevin McManus