Gas prices in Frederick are nearly 80 cents higher than they were one year ago.
Frederick, Md. (NS/BW) – High gas prices will not affect labor day traffic this year according to Ragina Ali with AAA Mid-Atlantic.
“We are expecting that the labor day travel weekend will likely be very robust,” Ali said.
Labor day weekend is a popular spot to fit in one last summer vacation, but high gas prices may entice families to hold off on long trips.
Gas prices in Frederick hit a record high $5.02 on June 14.
In a AAA poll, 65% of drivers said that they adjusted their driving behaviors when gas prices were increased. Since then, however, the cost of fuel has slowly decreased to an average of about $3.85 as of Aug 29.
Ali said that this summer has seen significant travel volume despite the higher-than-normal gas prices.
She added that the recent drop in gas prices coupled with the desire to travel may be considered a sweet spot to get back to normal travel habits.
The fluxuation of gas prices affects other travel expenses as well, according to a AAA poll.
“Nearly 20% said they were adjusting their travel budget for dining or lodging,” Ali said.
Despite the recent drop in the cost of gas, prices are still approximately 80 cents higher than they were at this time in 2021. This, however, doesn’t seem to stop those looking to travel for the holiday weekend.