Democrats take the statewide elections while Republicans win in Frederick County
Annapolis, Md (KM) Democrat Wes Moore will become the next Governor of Maryland.
This will be the first time the state of Maryland has had an African-American Governor.
Incumbent Democrat Senator Chris Van Hollen has won re-election defeating Republican challenger Chris Caffee, write-in candidates Scottie Griffin, who is a Democrat, and Andrew Wildman, who is unaffiliated.
Anthony Brown will be Maryland’s next Attorney General, becoming the second highest African-American elected official
Republican Michael Hough will become the Frederick County Executive defeating Democratic Councilwoman Jessica Fitzwater.
Republican Chuck Jenkins will remain in office as the Frederick County Sheriff beating Democrat Karl Bickel by more than 10,000 votes. This will be Jenkins’ 5th term in office.
The race between Republican Neil Parrott and Democrat David Trone is narrow. The two are running to become the State Representative in Congress in District 6.
The state of Maryland voted to legalize the use of recreational marijuana.
Both question A and Question B in Frederick County were opposed.
If accepted, question A “would amend the Frederick County Charter to clarify language to make it clear that the County Council maintains sole authority to approve and disapprove the use of taxpayer funding in the County budget concerning binding arbitration awards,” according to the Maryland State Board of Elections.
If local citizens voted in favor of question B, County Council members would be permitted to receive fringe benefits in addition to a salary.
Check back at this site for further updates.
By Kevin McManus