Frederick County Residents Urged To Take Precautions In Hot Weather

Heat index values could reach 109 degrees.

(Photo from Frederick County Government)

Frederick, Md (KM) The extremely hot weather is expected to continue through Friday,  and part of the weekend, and Frederick County officials are urging residents to take precautions. “Drinking plenty of non-alcoholic fluids is the best thing. Water is obviously preferably. And also staying in air conditioned areas; staying out of the sun. If you do have to be in the sun, wearing loose clothing; and make sure  you have some protection, hats, sunscreen,” says Anthony Rosano, Deputy Director of the County’s Division of Emergency Management.

The National Weather Service in Sterling, Virginia says there’s a Heat Advisory in effect for Friday from 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM. That means heat index values could reach up to 109 degrees.

Rosano says it’s not just the heat, but the humidity. “It actually gets worse as it’s more humid too,”: he says. “Not only just about air temperature, but it’s about humidity in the air. That can add five or six degrees to the index so it makes it even hotter. which means you should work less and take more breaks, more often.”

Anyone who is outside in the hot weather needs to be aware of the symptoms of heat exhaustion. “Warning signs of heat exhaustion are heavy sweating, paleness, muscle cramps, weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea or vomiting, and certainly fainting,” says Rosano. “You really need to get inside, get that person cooled off. maybe even needing to seek medical attention if it lasts  longer than an hour.”

And you also have to be aware of the signs of heat stroke. “Very hot body temperature; hot or red skin; a very fast or strong pulse; and also dizziness, headache, nausea and certainly any kind of loss of consciousness,” says Rosano.

If you notice these signs in someone, Rosano says you need to take action, including calling 911 immediately. “And then also getting them into a cooler place, and providing them cool, wet cloths on their body. But not actually giving them anything to drink for heat stroke,:” he says.

You’re also strongly encouraged not to leave children or pets in hot cars.

While Frederick County does not have designated cooling centers for people who lack air conditioning, Rosano says these residents can go to public buildings such as libraries or community centers. He says there are also use some commercial establishments, or they can visit with friends or family if air conditioning is not available.

By Kevin McManus