The County Health Department says it’s a way to reduce access by underage youths to alcohol & tobacco.
Frederick, Md (KM) Compliance checks of merchants who sell alcohol and tobacco products were conducted between January and March, 2024. .
The Frederick County Health Department says the checks were conducted on 57 businesses which sell alcoholic beverages.. Out of that number, 32 passed, but 25 sold alcoholic beverages to underage customers. There were also compliance checks on 10 merchants who sell tobacco products. Eight passed, but two sold tobacco products to underage customers.
The County Health Department says these compliance checks are aimed at reducing access by those under the age of 21 to alcohol and tobacco products, including smoking devices and e-cigarettes.
In Frederick County, individuals under the age of 21 assist by entering stores which sell alcoholic beverages, an/or tobacco products. They have their driver’s license, or state-issued identification card which are provided to merchants who ask for it. If the merchant asks the youth’s age, he or she must respond truthfully. All underage persons taking part in this operation are accompanied and observed by a plainclothes police officer.
All of these activities are funded by the Maryland Department of Health.
By Kevin McManus