Faith Debate: July 21st, 2024

The Head Covering

The Head Covering by Josiah Bongioanni offers insights into questions that arise from 1 Corinthians 11 in a style that mixes analytical thinking with numerous stories and historical quotes. In an age where the church is continually moving away from Biblical principles and neglecting divine commands, this book draws attention to an oft neglected question, aiming to call Christians away from following wayward society and determining what God’s Word says so as to follow the Bible seriously.

This is the first of five radio shows tackling this subject. All five episodes are available as one long video on the Rumble channel for Household of Faith in Christ.

The panel:

Troy Skinner. Pastor, Household of Faith in Christ 
Daniel Razvi. 
Pastor, Church That Meets at Imran’s
David Forsee. 
Pastor, multi-location house church
Josiah Bongioanni. 
Author, The Head Covering