Frederick Aldermen Considering Changes To Local Gun Laws

This one would cover bb guns and other similar weapons.

Frederick, Md (KM) Possessing, carrying, wearing or brandishing bb guns, air guns, replica firearms and other similar weapons would be prohibited under an amendment  to Frederick City’s municipal code being considered by the Board of Aldermen.

During a presentation on Wednesday, Sergeant Michael Murphy with Frederick Police said these types of weapons have been used in crimes in the city, and officers can’t do much to an individual who is caught with one of these guns on their person. Police can only make arrests if that person fires the weapon. “Brandishing, possessing, concealing, the sale and transfer—specifically to minors—and removing safely devices on toy weapons to make them look like real firearms are a great concern from a public safety standpoint. So we felt it was important to address,” he said.

The proposed amendment says a person may not wear, carry or transport an air gun, air soft gun, bb gun, imitation firearm, paint ball gun, pellet gun, replica gun, or similar weapons  in a public place. Individuals may not fire these guns in the city, or display or brandish these weapons.

The exceptions, according to the amendment, can include keeping these weapons in a person’s residence; the use by a minor who is enrolled as a member of club,  or society for education purposes, and the minor has written permission to use the an indoor or outdoor rifle range under supervision. These weapons can be used by the owner of private grounds or residences as long as they are not a danger to their neighbors, and the bullet or projectile cannot enter the grounds or space outside of the property.  .

Currently, Frederick City’s ordinances prohibit the discharge of firearms which is defined as including any dangerous weapon. But the Police Department says  the law fails to address firearms such as BB guns and similar weapons.

Sergeant Murphy says these guns have been used in crimes. He says between 2022 and 2023, there were 54 incidents in Frederick involving bb  guns. “That’s the ones that were documented in reference to malicious destruction of property, assaults on people and animals, robberies, controlled dangerous substance  offenses—that’s your drug dealers,:” he said. “Possessing them in public—which we really can’t do nothing about—and disorderly conduct based on their actions.”

He also told the Aldermen these weapons are dangerous. “They can cause serious injury or death, and are dangerous up to 325 yards. Depending on the firearm itself, you can hunt small game to dropping deer with the capacity of the air and the CO 2 cartridges that accompany them,” Sergeant Murphy said.

The Police Department, in the backup material for the Wednesday workshop, said BB guns are exact replicas of actual firearms, capable of causing serious injury or death.

Other cities in Maryland have taken steps to address these types of weapons, including Hancock, Hagerstown, Williamsport, Prince George’s County, Baltimore City and Laurel.

Sergeant Murphy said the city’s legal  team  will be meeting with the State’s Attorney’s Office to determine how this amendment will be prosecuted if the Board of Aldermen adopt this measure.

By Kevin McManus