Training is provided .

FREDERICK, MD. (LPG) Members of the Maryland State Board of Elections are encouraging local residents to serve as election judges for the 2024 Presidential General Election. Eligible Marylanders can earn money and help people cast votes by serving as judges.
You will be paid for the training. “You get $50 for spending the three hour time with us, for the in person training. It is a paid position, and you get up to $400 a day, in addition to that $50 training. So, if you work for the early voting days plus election day, you get paid for each of those days,” said Marc Welch, Frederick Team Manager.
Election judges check voters in, provide instructions and answer questions, and generally contribute to a smooth and secure voting experience at polling places.
Additionally, eligible 14-15 year-olds can serve as Election Day Pages. Pages are student volunteers who, under the direction of chief election judges, assist election judges and voters on Election Day. To become an Election Day page, apply through the online form or contact the local election board.
“Election Judges are vital to our democracy and conducting election,” State Administrator Jared DeMarinis said in a news release. “Serving as an Election Judge is an opportunity to actively participate in the democratic process, ensure its integrity, and help your fellow Marylanders exercise their right to vote. I encourage every eligible Marylander to consider joining us this November as an Election Judge and help safeguard the voice of every voter.”
“We generally have about a thousand folks who go out to the polling places,” said Welch. ” We have about 800 people and we need about 200 more to join us before the fall election.” Training will be held on September 4th, 2024.
The Presidential General Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. “Early voting will run from Thursday, Oct. 24th through Thursday, October 31st, 2024, at 4 locations around Frederick County,” continued Welch.
For more information go to judge or call 301-600-2524.
By Loretta Gaines