FREDERICK, Md – Frederick County Government offices will be closed Tuesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 25 for the Christmas holiday. County offices and services will return to regularly scheduled hours Thursday, December 26.
Clarifications to the holiday schedule:
- Animal Control: Administrative offices will be closed, and kennels will be closed for adoptions Tuesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 25. Animal Control Officers will be on routine duty Tuesday, December 24, please call 301-600-1544. Animal Control Officers will be available only for animal related emergencies Wednesday, December 25. For emergency situations, call 301-600-1603 or visit www.FrederickCountyMD.gov/animalcontrol.
- Board of Elections: Office will be closed. For further details, visit FrederickCountyMD.gov/elections or call 301-600-VOTE.
- Department of Social Services: Office will be open Tuesday, December 24 and closed Wednesday, December 25. For further details or updates to the schedule, call 1-800-332-6347 or visit www.dhs.maryland.gov.
- Division of Solid Waste and Recycling: All DSWR facilities, including the Reichs Ford Road Transfer Station, Yard waste and Compost Program, Citizens Convenience Center, Recycling Center, and Administrative services, will be closed Wednesday, December 25 and will resume operations Thursday, December 26. Due to this closure, curbside recycling collection will slide one collection day starting on the 26th. (Wednesday collection will slide to Thursday, Thursday to Friday, and Friday to Saturday.) Please consult the Recycle Coach App or Call 301-600-2960 with questions.
- Health Department: On Tuesday, December 24, School Health and the Developmental Center (Infants & Toddlers Program, School-based Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy) will be closed. All other programs will be open. All programs will be closed Wednesday, December 25. For details, call 301-600-1029 or visit www.FrederickCountyMD.gov/healthdept.
- Frederick County Public Libraries: Libraries will be closed. Curbside pickup and telephone reference will not be available. For further details, call 301-600-1630 or visit www.fcpl.org.
- Frederick County Courts: Frederick County Circuit and District Courts will be open Tuesday, December 24 and will be closed Wednesday, December 25.
- State’s Attorney’s Office: Office will be closed.
- Transit: On Tuesday, December 24, and Wednesday, December 25, the Transit office will be closed, and all Transit services will be canceled. For further details, call 301-600-2065 or visit www.FrederickCountyMD.gov/Transit.
For further information about Frederick County Government services, county meetings, department listings, and other issues of interest to residents, call 301-600-9000 or visit www.FrederickCountyMD.gov.