Dr. Dyson Releases Over $974 Million Operating Budget For FY ’26 For Frederick County Public Schools

She says FCPS is facing some financial challenges.

FCPS Superintendent Dr. Cheryl Dyson

Frederick, Md (KM) Frederick County Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Cheryl Dyson, has introduced her proposed fiscal year 2026 operating budget. It totals $974,712,202. “The budget I’m presenting reflects both realism and hope,”  she said in a video presentation. “It prioritizes what matters most: keeping our students safe, engaged and supported, while assuring our staff have the tools they need to thrive.”

Dr. Dyson says the School System is facing some challenging financial times. “In recent years, rising costs and increasing needs have left us with fewer resources than we would like to achieve our shared vision,” she says., “But even in this complex environment,  I believe in the vision our students have of their school community. And I believe we can take steps toward it together by building on our successes.”

In her presentation, Dr. Dyson said the programs and services eliminated last year will not be returning in her proposed operating budget. “The FY 26 budget is crafted to prioritize the continuation of existing operations and resources,”  she says. “It focuses on maintaining the current programs and services without dedicating funds for new initiatives or program expansion.”

The focus in Dr. Dyson’s budget for fiscal year 2026 are: preserving the current class size formulas for staffing; retaining the replacement and refurbishment cycle for student Chromebooks; ensuring access of up to two dual enrollment courses per year in grades 11 and 12 at no cost; continuing to provide pre-school to all income-eligible 3 and 4 year old students; advancing our work for high quality instructional materials; ensuring a continuum of services for students with disabilities; maintaining our Remote Virtual Programs for grades 6 through 8, with enhanced opportunities for students in grades 4 and 5; and providing on average 2 percent for the salary resource pool, subject to pending negotiations with the FCPS labor unions.

A large majority of the proposed operating budget—85.2 percent, or $830,530,402–is set aside for staff salaries, wages and benefits.

According the background materials provided by FCPS, a majority of the Frederick County School System’s funds come from the state and the county, with smaller  amounts from the federal government and other sources.

A public hearing on this proposed budget is scheduled for Wednesday, January 29th, at Tuscarora High School beginning at 6:00 PM.

By Kevin McManus