Frederick County Is Petitioning To Intervene In PSC’s Consideration Of MPRP

The paperwork was filed on Thursday, Feb. 6th.

Frederick, Md (KM) Frederick County has filed the legal paperwork to intervene in the Maryland Public Service Commission’s consideration of the Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project. That’s a 70-mile long, 500-kilovolt electric transmission line which is expected to extend from northern Baltimore County, central Carroll County and southern Frederick County, ending at the Doubs substation in Adamstown.

“Frederick County officials and community members have been clear that we oppose MPRP due its impact on residents, natural and historic resources, the economy and our quality of life,” said County Executive Jessica Fitzwater, in a statement. “While Frederick County does not have the legal authority to stop this project alone, we will continue to use the legal tools available to protect our community. I remain committed to working with the County Council and local leaders to amplify the voices of residents and advocate against  the project.”

The County says it filed the petition to intervene on February 6th, 2025.

This action follows Tuesday’s vote by the County Council in favor of a resolution opposing the project.

The company planning to the build the line, Public Service Enterprise Group, filed its application on December 31st, 2024. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity with the PSC  on December 31st, 2024. The County Executive  announced  on January 14th, 2025 , that Frederick County will petition to intervene in opposition to PSEG’s application.

The PSC says it will hold a hearing in Frederick County to give local residents an opportunity to testify.

By Kevin McManus