A hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, March 25th.
Councilwoman Renee Knapp
Frederick, Md (KM) Legislation to regulate the location and other aspects of data centers in Frederick County was formally introduced to the County Council on Tuesday. It’s sponsored by Councilwoman Renee Knapp and Council President Brad Young.
Knapp spoke briefly about the legislation on Tuesday night. “This is a bill to update design requirements for critical digital infrastructure facilities, and updating specific use regulations for critical digital infrastructure facilities, and critical digital infrastructure electric substations, “she said.
The measure, if it passes, would put data centers—critical digital infrastructure facilities–in areas zoned limited industrial or general commercial. They can be placed in community growth areas as designated by the Comprehensive plan, and be located within two miles of a 69-kilovolt or greater electrical transmission line. Data centers would not be allowed in Priority Preservation areas, Rural Legacy areas or Treasured Landscape Management areas. Also off limits to data centers would be areas with no planned water or sewer service under the County’s Water and Sewerage Plan; or land that is zoned residential, or is listed as residential in the Comprehensive Plan.
The proposed ordinance would cover the visual impacts of these facilities, along with sound and vibration impacts, air pollution and environmental health.
A public hearing on this proposed ordinance is scheduled for Tuesday, March 25th, 2025 beginning at 7:00 PM.
By Kevin McManus