Md. Dept. of Labor and Frederick Economic Development Dept. Putting On A Job Fair For Displaced Federal Workers

Frederick, MD – Has your job been impacted by recent federal layoffs and closures? Or are you a jobseeker looking for new employment opportunities?

If so, mark your calendar for an exciting upcoming Job and Resource Fair here in Frederick on March 18, from 1 – 4 p.m. at the Frederick Seventh-day Adventist Church, at 6437 Jefferson Pike.

Plenty of free onsite parking will be available. More than 50 employers will be there, looking to hire professionals with the experience and expertise that federal workers and contractors bring to the table.

Google “Maryland Department of Labor Job Fairs” and click on the first result
for more information and to register. Or visit

The list of participating employers is growing daily.  Refreshments will be provided by 7-11 and you can even get your flu shot from Love For Lochlin.

The Maryland Department of Labor is also offering a workshop to help jobseekers update their resumes, sharpen their interview skills, shine up their LinkedIn pages, and gear up for the next step in their career!

This workshop, which runs every Wednesday, is customized to address the needs of federal workers and others impacted by the recent federal transition.

To register for the Wednesday workshop, email [email protected].