Hough says he wants to fund road improvements.
Frederick, MD (KB) – Ahead of the upcoming 2022 Maryland General Assembly, State Senator Michael Hough shared the goals he hopes to accomplish during the session.
“I think one of my big goals will be supporting efforts to bring money back for our roads, specifically to widen I-270, to do more road improvement projects, make sure that this infrastructure money that the state of Maryland will be receiving is not wasted and that it goes to updating roads,” said Hough.
Another piece of legislation Hough hopes to work on with the governor deals with State tax rates.
“Maryland is a very high tax state and our residents are, quite frankly, way over taxed, makes it a disincentive to retire here, people to come here and bring businesses here,” Hough said.
Adult-use recreational cannabis will be a hot topic during the upcoming legislative session. Hough said he has supported legislation in the past to increase the amount of marijuana that is decriminalized, but it also deals with people smoking marijuana in vehicles.
“It would empower local jurisdictions to prohibit in public places and parks the smoking of marijuana. I think that’s a better way to go than passing legalization of marijuana, I don’t support that at this point,” Hough said.
The 2022 Maryland General Assembly will begin on January 12th.