Crews will be working on a new traffic signal.
Frederick, Md (KM) Here’s a heads-up for drivers who travel I-270 near Route 85: there will be a traffic shift starting on Thursday evening.
The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration says motorists coming off of the northbound I-270 ramp to Route 85 (Buckeystown Pike) will be shifted to the previous ramp located near the FSK Mall. This will allow crews to work on the traffic signal at the end of the northbound I-270 ramp.
The lane shift will begin on Thursday at 8:00 PM, .with completion of the work by 6:00 AM the following Friday.
SHA says the new signal will improve roadway operations and increase safety.
This is part of the $87.7-million-dollar I-270 and Route 85 interchange project which is expected to be completed by the spring of 2023.
By Kevin McManus