Four-Way Stop Signs To Be Place Near Jefferson County, WV High School

They’re temporary until a permanent traffic signal can be installed.

Charleston, WV (KM) The West Virginia Division of Highways says it will put a four-way stop   at a Jefferson County intersection leading to Washington High  School. This action is being taken at the intersection of Washington Patriots Drive and Augustine Avenue just off or US 340 until a traffic signal can be installed.

Sheetz is building a convenience store across from this intersection. .and nearby residents are concerned about traffic in that area. T

The Division says Sheetz has agreed to pay for the traffic signal, and to widen Augustine Avenue to provide additional turn lanes.   Augustine Avenue provides access to Washington High School.

Engineers with the West Virginia Division of Highways did a detailed traffic survey at that intersection, and determined that a four-way stop would be the best solution in controlling traffic until a permanent traffic signal is installed. They  said a temporary traffic signal would create longer backups and wait times at that intersection.

By Kevin McManus