It’s not sitting well with Councilman Mason Carter.
Councilman Mason Carter
FREDERICK, MD. (LG) Frederick County Councilman Mason Carter is speaking out after County Executive Jessica Fitzwater released her proposed budget for fiscal year 2025, which she said, will include an increase in the county’s property tax rate. “Of course being a fiscal conservative, I’m very upset to see any tax or fee increase on our community that is already reeling. I don’t think it’s a surprise to anybody, people are struggling. And, so we certainly should not be adding to that burden”, said Carter.
The proposed tax rate increase from $1.06 per $100 of assessed value in fiscal year 2024 to $1.11 per $100 of assessed value in fiscal year 2025 would mark the first change in the county’s property tax rate since the charter model of government took effect in 2014, according to the Frederick News Post.
The Council will hold a hearing on the proposed property tax increase on May 7th, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Winchester Hall. “I will be voting no and I will be working diligently over the next few weeks to encourage my fellow colleagues to work with me in voting no. In the meantime, we are going to be working through this budget to find ways that we can save money, and cut money, and really compare it to this tax increase”, added Carter.
By Loretta Gaines