Changes To Be Made To Intersection In Frederick

There have been some safety concerns about West 9th Street at Motter Avenue.

ICC to Motter and W 9th St. Image

Frederick, Md (KM) The City of Frederick has come up with changes to enhance safety at the intersection of Motter Avenue and West 9th  Street. Concerns have been raised about safety at that  intersection, particularly because it’s a crucial walking route for students attending North Frederick Elementary School.

Stop controls are only available at West 9th  Street approaches, and that has resulted in some confusion among drivers and some near misses with pedestrians.

In response to safety concerns, a comprehensive engineering study was conducted  in according with Federal Highway Administration’s  Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. One of its key recommendations was to install an all-way stop control. That’s expected to be completed in September, 2024.

City. officials say they will continue to monitor traffic operations at that intersection and further enhancements could be made, including the option of a mini-roundabout.

By Kevin McManus