Motorists, Pedestrians Urged To Be Cautious This Time Of Year

SHA says it’s getting dark earlier, making it harder for drivers to see pedestrians.

Baltimore, Md (KM) This is the time of year when motorists need to be extra alert. Spokeswoman Shantee Felix with the Maryland State Highway Administration says it’s getting dark earlier, and it’s becoming more difficult for drivers to see pedestrians. Thursday, October 31st is Halloween, and that’s when children dress up in costumes and go door-to-door trying to scare up some candy.

For motorists, Felix says “you want to have your lights on. And remember the usual rules of the road: obey the speed limit, be aware that there are going to be more pedestrians in the roads so stay alert. Avoid distractions and stop at crosswalks when you see pedestrian crossing.”

Other safety tips for drivers include entering and exiting driveways slowly; always driving sober; coming to a complete stop at stop signs or school buses; moving over when coming upon a parked vehicle displaying hazard lights; and on Halloween, be extra careful during trick-or-treat time  between 4:00 PM and 9:00 PM.

She says pedestrians should also be careful. “We encourage pedestrians and bicyclists and even trick-or-treaters to help us by wearing bright colored clothing when they’re when it’s dark. A lot of people use reflective devices so that will help our motorists see them when they’re out on the road,” says Felix.

And trick-or-treaters need to be careful with masks. “Additionally, we also want to make sure that pedestrians and bicyclists  can be aware of their surroundings,” says Felix. “So if you have anything on your face that prevents you from seeing the intersection or approaching vehicle, you might want to reconsider that outfit.”

Pedestrians, bicyclists and trick-or-treaters should pay attention to their surroundings; use sidewalks and marked crosswalks; and look left, then right and then left again before crossing the streets.

The Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration’s Highway Safety Office says a pedestrian is more likely to be seriously injured on killed when struck by a motor vehicle. MVA says in 2023, there were 2,892 crashes involving motor vehicles and pedestrians. That resulted in 2,837 injuries and 159 deaths.

By Kevin McManus