Program Air Date: Sunday, November 19th, 2017 – 9am

Dispensationalism, Covenant Theology.  Redemptive-Historical Theology.  What do these mean and how do they shape one’s view of “The Last Days”?

The world seems inside out and upside down.  Many say the church is adrift, the world is in peril.  Is the end near?  Some people think so.  Perhaps the return of Jesus Christ is just around the corner.  Here to talk about this are…

Troy Skinner.  930 WFMD Host/Moderator of The Faith Debate.

Jonathan Switzer.  Senior Pastor of Crossroads Valley Church, Past-President of Frederick’s Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship, Founder of “Frederick 48” (which has morphed into The Unity Campaign for Frederick County), former candidate for School Board in Frederick County, Co-Founder of The Faith Debate (having co-starred on the show during its first 12 years).

Chris Jackson.  A Baptist minister who has served in many different ministry capacities including prison ministry, homeless ministry, and Bible teaching.  He is organizer of Life Bible Baptist Ministries, a teaching ministry that seeks to “Rebuild lives on the Foundation of God’s Word.”  See

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