Are There Limits on the “Book of Science” and/or the “Book of Special Revelation”?
Is the Book of Science a valid source of truth alongside the Bible as a book of revelation? Post-modernism has practically given up trying to find any truth in science or Scripture. Should Thomism, the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, be revived to provide answers that post-moderns have given up hope of finding? Will Aquinas’ “negative theology” of metaphors and analogies satisfy? Should Scripture be interpreted figuratively, depending on the context? This and so much more is being tackled by…
The panel:
Troy Skinner. 930 WFMD Host/Moderator of The Faith Debate.
Jonathan Switzer. Past-President of Frederick’s Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship, Founder of “Frederick 48”, Founder of Crossroads Valley Church, and most recently Founder of BRIDGES: Connecting needs and resources in Frederick County.
Haydn Booth. Self-described layman of the Roman Catholic Church, Thomist, and lover of Christ.
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