Many volunteers work together to support the downtown.
FREDERICK, MD. (RD) Residents of Frederick County are fortunate to have a thriving downtown shopping and entertainment district. With one of a kind specialty shops, a variety of restaurants, and a special mix of people, downtown Frederick stands out as having its own personality. Officials say maintaining the vitality of the area utilizes the support of many volunteers.
“The partnership benefits from a lot of great contributions from people who give their time, talent, and thankfully their funding as well. We certainly benefit from a lot of active participation from our merchant community. Obviously we are vested in making downtown Frederick successful, but they also understand the importance of working together and thinking about the greater whole, and how that whole merchant community can help attract more folks, ” said Cara Norman, the Director of the Downtown Frederick Partnership.
Norman says residents can help at all levels of the organization. ” We really draw on a variety of folks and the people who work with us. For some it’s great. They come to serve beer at Alive at Five and they do a two hour shift. It is wonderfully helpful, and that is what they can fit in their life. For others they are part of other committees, and part of advancing bigger projects and moving bigger ideas forward.”
Norman is responsible for coordinating the events, finances, and people needed to keep downtown Frederick moving forward. She was recently a guest on WFMD’s Success Happens Show.
-Robert Dacey