The Importance of Godly Leadership in Local Churches
How important, really, are godly leaders in churches? We’re not asking about the lead pastor, but about the other leaders. The elders, deacons, board members, committee chairs, and even paid office staff. Is your church careful, thoughtful, and prayerful enough about filling these positions? What happens when we get this wrong? What happens when we get this right?
The panel:
Troy Skinner. 930 WFMD Host/Moderator of The Faith Debate.
Jonathan Switzer. Past-President of Frederick’s Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship, Founder of “Frederick 48”, Founder of Crossroads Valley Church, and most recently Founder of BRIDGES: Connecting needs and resources in Frederick County.
Ace Ray. Longtime pastor who has spent time in the Carolinas, in DC, and in Maryland. His is now Pastor of a new church in Frederick called The River International (meeting at North Frederick Elementary School).
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