The panel also changed its afternoon meeting time.
Frederick, Md (KM). In a unanimous vote on Tuesday, the Frederick County elected Councilwoman M.C. Keegan-Ayer as its president. The passing nomination was made by Councilman Steve McKay. “I’ve watched Councilmember Keegan-Ayer over the last four years. I think she brings a very professional demeanor to her position. She’s open minded. She does her homework. And I think she will run a very effective meeting. So that’s why she has my vote,” he said.
Keegan-Ayer expressed her appreciation for the her appointment as president. She also said she will be available to talk with fellow Councilmembers. “I’m here a lot so please feel free to pop in and talk to me. If it’s something more formal and you’re going to need a set amount of time, make an appointment. But otherwise, pop into my office. I’m here most afternoons. I’m not a morning person. Anyone will tell you I’m not a morning person,” she said.
The Council also chose Michael Blue as Vice President. “I would just like to thank the fellow Councilmembers for their confidence in me as Vice President,” he said.
His nomination was presented by Coucilwoman Jessica Fitzwater. “In the just the short time that we’ve been able to get to know each other, I’ve been very impressed with how much Councilmember Blue, how many questions he’s been asking, kind of soaking in all of the information,” she said. “And I’m also appreciative that he’s willing to take on this leadership role–at least I hope–jumping with both feet right in as a new councilmember.”
In a consensus decision, the Council agreed to change the time for its Tuesday afternoon meetings. Instead of starting at 4:30, the meetings will now begin at 5:30 PM. But public hearings will still start at 7:00 PM.
By Kevin McManus