Get information for providing care giving to all ages.
Are you a caregiver? Caregivers provide a family member or friend with supportive care when they need assistance or are unable to fully care for themselves. As a caregiver you may be helping a handicapped child or an adult with their daily act ivies such as personal care, household, chores, transportation, money management, behavioral supports, or medical care.
Delegate Karen Lewis Young is a member of the State Commission on Caregiving, and helping to organize a Care Giver Resource Fair here in Frederick. Its goal will be to assist the variety of caregivers in society today. It will include meetings with fellow caregivers, learning about caregiver resources and how to access them, as well opportunities to share questions and concerns with commission members.
The Fair will be held on Thursday April 25th from 5:00 to 8:00 PM at the C. Burr Artz Library, 110 East Patrick Street in downtown Frederick.