It’s expected to be completed in 2021.
Frederick, Md (KM) Groundeaking is scheduled to begin on Monday, November 18th for a new YMCA Center in Ubana.
Chris Colville,the President and CEO of the YMCA of Frederick County, says it’s been discussed for may years,and now it’s getting close to reality. :”There have been thoughts of expanding and building a full facility a Y in Urbana, probablyt for about 20 plus years. Most of that time pre-dates me. So when I got here, I was excited to learn that we had donated land from the Natelli Communities that’s nestled and sits between the Middle School and High School in Urbana. It’s about 22-acres,” says Colville,.
Colivlle says this new Y will contain all of the “bells and whistles” of other YMCA’s. And that includes an aquatic center, some of the money will come from the County. “We’ve got a partnership with the county,” says Colville. “The County is bringing some tremendous value to the project by giving us some capital dollars to help underwrite the expansion and the construction of the aquatic center,” says Colville.
The aquatic center will be open to Frederick County Public School swim teams which lost a pool recently when the new Frederick High opene.. “This doesn’t’ net the county to a new pool, but it will help replace the loss of an existing pool by getting access and providing access to-high school students and community members at large,” she says.
Last week, the County Council approved the issuance of economic development revenue bonds to help pay for the project. The County is under no obligation, if the project fails, to pay off the debt. .
The 60,000-square-foot project is estimated to cost $20-million with the completion expected in the spring of 2021.
By Kevin McManus