Work Begins On Developing Climate Change Recommendations

A final report is expected next year.                                                                                                 


Frederick, Md (KM) The Climate Emergency Mobilization Workgroup has begun  the task of coming up with recommendations for how the City of Frederick and the County can meet the challenges caused by climate change.

The panel has more than 50 members, but they have been assigned to committees dealing with a number of concerns, such as agriculture, land management, forestry, health and extreme weather. Ron Kaltengbaugh from Jefferson is a co-chair of the committee on energy, transportation and buildings. “We’re going to look at the solutions out there, look at what other communities have done. We’re not trying to reinvent the wheel. But what can the county do;  what can businesses do to address climate while also saving money and addressing upcoming impacts that are going to affect the county,”: he says.

Kaltenbaugh says each of these committees have members with expertise in these fields. “For example, on my subgroup, we’ve got an architect.   We’ve got somebody who does energy finance. Most people have an interest and passion, but some relevant knowledge and expertise,” he says.

The Workgorup has started its meetings. Kaltenbaugh says it meets every second and fourth Thursdays  of the month. “That’s being broadcast out to Facebook, where citizens can watch it live There’s a call-in number so citizens can call in for public comment at the end. And the meetings are recorded and posted on the county website,” he says.

In July, the County Council adopted resolution that described climate change as “an immediate and long threat” to Frederick County and the world. The Workgroug was authorized by the Council, the Frederick Board of Aldermen and the Mayor.

The Workgroup is expected to present its report to City and County officials in September, 2021.

Climate change is a very controversial issue. But Kaltenbaugh says the Workgroup will be discussing practical solutions and not spend its time debating whether climate change is real. “We’re seeing an opportunity to save money,; seeing an opportunity to improve health through addressing air quality. If we focus on those tangible things, we kind of get past that other stuff, and not get bogged down in it,” he says.


By Kevin McManus