Category Archives: Faith Debate

Blog posts for the Frederick Faith Debate.

Faith Debate: February 6th, 2022

COVID “Conspiracy Theorists” This Faith Debate discusses a number of issues, including: Businesses requiring masks and/or shots, doing temperature checks – can businesses do whatever they want? Fertile Fallacies: “Migrant Crisis”, “Wuhan Flu began at wet market”, counting “cases/deaths” with COVID. Corona Treatment (Hydroxychloroquine/Zinc, Ivermectin, Vitamins C & D, Remdesivir, etc.) “Love Your Neighbor” regarding…read more »

Faith Debate: January 30th, 2022

A Loss of Desiring Truth This Faith Debate discusses a number of issues, including: Frontline Doctors mocked, climate change and the Green New Deal. Social media “fact checkers” become “fact blockers”, Google being replaced by Duck Duck Go, Parler shut down. Mass shootings in USA and Canada blamed on: guns, or Alt Right “supremacists”, or…read more »

Faith Debate: January 23rd, 2022

Shifting Cultural Connections This Faith Debate discusses a number of issues, including: Dictating Cancellation: Lockdowns – Sports cancelled/Olympics postponed. In many places Thanksgiving/Christmas, Weddings/Funerals, Family Gatherings cancelled. Mask Requirements, Jab Mandates. “Traditionalists” used to connect with (and trust) the military and law enforcement, but now… Partly because of things like Americans left behind in Afghanistan,…read more »

Faith Debate: January 16th, 2022

The Demise of Science and Liberty This Faith Debate discusses a number of issues, including: Death of Science (WHO-NIH-CDC self-contradicting themselves, Wuhan Flu deaths WITH covid, personal distancing) Death of Liberty (“vaccine” passports, temperature checks, capacity limits, ignoring of HIPPA, lockdowns) This is the wrap up episode in a five-part series, with all five recorded…read more »

Faith Debate: January 9th, 2022

Death of History, Learning, and Facts This Faith Debate discusses a number of issues, including: 1619 Project, removal of statues, buildings and schools and roads renamed, Waukesha atrocity Dr. Sues cancelled, schools closed, virtual learning, Kyle Rittenhouse case (following Jacob Blake shooting) Rush to judgment and assumed prejudice (Bubba Wallace NASCAR “noose”, Jussie Smollett hoax,…read more »

Faith Debate: January 2nd, 2022

Discussion Topics This Faith Debate discusses a number of issues, including: Lots of “firsts” (Harris “woman of color as VP, Buttigieg openly gay Transportation Secretary, Jenner transgender GOP gubernatorial candidate in California) Big political changes (BB Netanyahu out as Prime Minister of Israel, Gorsuch-Kavanaugh-Barrett on bench, China bigger threat than Russia) Deaths of cultural icons…read more »

Faith Debate: December 26th, 2021

Fascist Tyranny to Rule the Day? This Faith Debate discusses a number of issues, including: Election Integrity (January 6th, Ashli Babbit, Mike Lindell, Mail-in Ballots inviting fraud) Big Tech censorship (Facebook/Instagram/Twitter, alternatives such as Gab) This is part two in a five-part series, with all five recorded while live streaming. The full video is available…read more »

Faith Debate: December 19th, 2021

Growth in Power of the Political Machine The Faith Debate discusses a series of major news items, including: Open borders (the wall, migration, asylum, separating families) Universal Basic Income and government spending trillions of dollars This is one episode in a five-part series, with all five recorded while live streaming. The full video is available…read more »

Faith Debate: December 12th, 2021

Loss of a Standard for a Moral Compass The topics discussed include:Sex Scandals (Trump tape/Harvey Weinstein/Jeffery Epstein/Catholic Church/SBC)Christians divided over Trump (“Never Trumpers” & “Trump hand selected by God”) This is part four of a four-part series, with all four recorded while live streaming. The full video is available on YouTube at the Household of…read more »

Faith Debate: December 5th, 2021

Changing Political Landscape This Faith Debate discusses a number of issues, including: January 6th Rally in Washington DC (“insurrection-riot”/Ashli Babbit/people in solitary confinement for months) Trump Impeached (twice) – once after already out of office.  Acquitted both times. This is one episode in a four-part series, with all four recorded while live streaming. The full…read more »