Category Archives: Faith Debate

Blog posts for the Frederick Faith Debate.

Faith Debate: September 19th, 2021

Graduated High School at Age 11, Had His Bachelor’s Degree at age 17 Daniel Razvi is an attorney, a classically trained pianist, a former homeschool kid, a part of the Conquered By Love Ministries team, and also one of the pastors of a church that meets in a private home.  Now he’s also one of…read more »

Faith Debate: September 12th, 2021

The Devoted Muslim Who Converted to Being a Christian Pastor  Imran “Raz” Razvi is the owner of Higher Ground Financial Group, founder of Conquered By Love Ministries, and Pastor of the Church That Meets at Imran’s House.  Now he is one of the permanent fixtures on the Faith Debate panel. Imran has been a guest…read more »

Faith Debate: September 5th, 2021

The History (and the Future) of The Faith Debate  After seventeen years of “tweaks” bringing different “seasons” to the Faith Debate show, there’s a new tweak beginning with this episode. At the start of the program in 2004 it basically followed an interview format.  Then it turned into more of a “talking heads” opinion show;…read more »

Faith Debate: August 29th, 2021

Advent Traditions This episode brings us Christmas in August.  Why do Christians celebrate this holiday the way that they do?  What’s the origin of some of these social and religious conventions?  How should discerning individuals think about all of this?  This is the content that comprises the majority of our time in this potpourri edition…read more »

Faith Debate: August 22nd, 2021

The Great Reset The Gospel Coalition, long held to be a conservative outlet for biblical Christianity, has come under fire for coming out in favor of several aspects of the liberal Great Reset.  This episode of the Faith Debate picks up where the previous show left off in examining a TGC article that represents one…read more »

Faith Debate: August 15th, 2021

Can the Gospel Coalition Be Trusted or Not?  For many years The Gospel Coalition had been a trusted resource for biblically conservative Christians.  In recent years, however, there have been concerns raised that the organization has taken a turn that appears to support (or at least defend) what the Apostle Paul calls “another gospel”.  Is…read more »

Faith Debate: August 8th, 2021

Can Christians Vote Democrat?  This week’s episode is the second of two shows tackling questions about the sorts of considerations biblical Christians should weigh when casting political votes.  Part one, aired last week.  The information shared is couched in terms related to the 2020 election, but the principles are evergreen in nature. The panel: Troy…read more »

Faith Debate: August 1st, 2021

Can Christians Vote Republican?  This week’s episode is the first of two shows tackling questions about the sorts of considerations biblical Christians should weigh when casting political votes.  Part two, will air next week.  The information shared is couched in terms related to the 2020 election, but the principles are evergreen in nature. The panel:…read more »

Faith Debate: July 25th, 2021

Jesus is Lord, Caesar is Not This is the final portion of a potpourri conversation covering primarily three issues.  (Why pray?  The remnant church.  Who is Lord, Jesus or Caesar?) This show is also the final salvo in a twelve-episode series that answers questions submitted by listeners to the Faith Debate and viewers of the…read more »

Faith Debate: July 18th, 2021

The Remnant Church This is a third of what was a potpourri conversation that covered primarily three issues.  (Why pray?  The remnant church.  Who is Lord, Jesus or Caesar?) This show is also one in a series of twelve episodes that answer questions submitted by listeners of the Faith Debate and viewers of the Household…read more »