Category Archives: Faith Debate

Blog posts for the Frederick Faith Debate.

Faith Debate: May 2nd, 2021

End of the World as We Know It: Postmillennial View  This week’s episode is the first of three shows tackling questions about the most commonly held biblical positions about eschatology (the study of last things).  Part two, focused on Dispensationalism will air next week.  Then Amillennialism will be featured the week after that. The panel:…read more »

Faith Debate: April 25th, 2021

What Happens At the Moment of Death?  (Part II) The biblical Christian view on how to best answer this question might surprise you, if you have shaped your response around the common cultural ideas we all hear a lot about.  This is the second of two shows tackling the questions surrounding what happens to the…read more »

Faith Debate: April 18th, 2021

What Happens At the Moment of Death? The biblical Christian view on how to best answer this question might surprise you, if you have shaped your response around the common cultural ideas we all hear a lot about.  This is the first of two shows tackling the questions surrounding what happens to the soul of…read more »

Faith Debate: April 11th, 2021

Would Jesus Wear a Mask?  (Part II) This week’s episode is the second of two shows tackling the questions surrounding whether or not face coverings should be worn (due to government orders and/or other considerations such as COVID-19 fear). The panel: Troy Skinner.  Pastor of Household of Faith in Christ. Link to Faith Debate…read more »

Faith Debate: April 4th, 2021

Would Jesus Wear a Mask? This week’s episode is the first of two shows tackling the questions surrounding whether or not face coverings should be worn (due to government orders and/or other considerations such as COVID-19 fear).  Part two will air next week. The panel: Troy Skinner.  Pastor of Household of Faith in Christ.…read more »

Faith Debate: March 28th, 2021

Should Churches Be Open?  (Part II) This week’s episode is the second of two shows tackling the questions surrounding whether or not churches should open their doors (due to government lockdown orders and other considerations). The panel: Troy Skinner.  Pastor of Household of Faith in Christ. Link to Faith Debate podcasts on iTunes here.  Stream,…read more »

Faith Debate: March 21st, 2021

Should Churches Be Open? First off, apologies for the snafu’s of recent weeks that kept this blog post properly updated. Second, this week’s episode is the first of two shows tackling the questions surrounding whether or not churches should open their doors (due to government lockdown orders and other considerations).  Part two will air next…read more »

Faith Debate: February 21st, 2021

Who Is This Jesus? Outside restrictions have placed on hold the regular Faith Debate roundtable discussions.  Instead, we’re airing the “Lockdown Tapes – Round Two”.  (“Round One” aired last spring.) This week we pick up where last week’s show ended and answer the question “Who is This Jesus?” through the dramatic and miraculous story of…read more »

Faith Debate: February 14th, 2021

Jesus Christ is Lord, Savior, and King Today Due to outside restrictions, the regular Faith Debate roundtable discussions have been placed on hold.  Instead, we’re airing the “Lockdown Tapes – Round Two”.  (“Round One” aired last spring.) This week we are airing a message that Troy had the privilege of preaching to a local congregation…read more »

Faith Debate: February 7th, 2021

What It Means to Be Under the Authority of Government During the past year Romans 13 has been possibly one of the most misunderstood and misapplied passages in Scripture.  Other passages, too, but especially Romans 13.  How does a follower of Christ obediently live a life subject to the governing authorities?  What are the limits…read more »