Category Archives: Faith Debate

Blog posts for the Frederick Faith Debate.

Faith Debate: November 22nd, 2020

Man Who Grew Up in Frederick Does Good In recent weeks we’ve been rather serious on the Faith Debate.  And with good reason.  There are lots of serious things happening this year.  But now we’re heading into the holiday season.  So, it’s temporarily time to shift gears and get you into the spirit of Advent…read more »

Faith Debate: November 15th, 2020

The Path Leading an SBC Church to Decide to Stay and Fight Here’s a quote:  “The Southern Baptist Convention is tanking rapidly.  President J. D. Greear has asked for forgiveness from the LGBT community for ‘discrimination, injustice and abuse.’  Are you kidding?  What abuse?  What injustice?  What discrimination?  Are Christians to no longer ‘discriminate’ against…read more »

Faith Debate: November 8th, 2020

The Fork in the Path that Faces the Southern Baptist Convention and Its Local Congregations Woke Church.  Critical Race Theory.  Intersectionality.  White Privilege.  Black Lives Matter.  White Fragility.  Ethnic Gnosticism.  Neo-Marxist Black Liberation Theology.  Post Modern Cultural Marxism.  Identity Politics.  Social Justice Warriors.  Systemic Racism.  LGTBQ+ Rights.  And so many more new words and phrases…read more »

Faith Debate: November 1st, 2020

The Path that Brought One Congregation to Announce It was Leaving the Southern Baptist Convention There is a movement within the church gaining influence in recent decades.  This movement has increased power in recent years, and has finally come to a pivot point for the life of Christ’s church within the past dozen or two…read more »

Faith Debate: October 25th, 2020

The Path That Brought One Man to Becoming a Southern Baptist Minister Pastor James L. Pittman, Jr. is the lead under shepherd for the congregation of New Hope Community Church in Platine, Illinois.  That’s actually Troy’s old stomping grounds, as he grew up in a bunch of towns all around that area of suburban Chicago. …read more »

Faith Debate: October 18th, 2020

There’s a Whole New Vocabulary “Critical Race Theory”, “White Privilege”, “Systemic Racism”, “Social Justice Warrior”, “Cultural Marxism”, “Intersectionality”, and a whole bunch of new terms have been added to the American pop-culture lexicon this year with the rapid ascendency of the “Black Lives Matter” slogan, organization, and movement.  What do these new terms mean, and…read more »

Faith Debate: October 11th, 2020

White Privilege Perhaps you’ve heard about, or even been subjected to, “training” (at work or in school) that tells everyone that “all White people contribute to what many call ‘racism’” and that all Caucasians must lament their “white privilege”.  And even further, all institutions of the Western World are systemically prejudiced… something called “systemic racism”. …read more »

Faith Debate: October 4th, 2020

The Trump administration has taken a stand against “critical theory”. The Executive Branch says it will cease and desist from using taxpayer dollars to promote:  anti-American training specifically dealing with any form of “critical race theory” or “white privilege”, or that says the United States is an inherently evil country, or that any race is…read more »

Faith Debate: September 27th, 2020

Theological controversy brings out the best and the worst in the Church.   If handled correctly, controversy sharpens the understanding of the message of Scripture and its application to the contemporary world, so the church can emerge from a period of theological discussion and debate with a much greater clarity on the issue at hand.…read more »

Faith Debate: September 20th, 2020

Critical Theory Inside the Church This marks the fourth installment of a four-episode arc of shows featuring the same three men on the panel.  Each episode has opened with commentary on a political video produced by Phil Vischer, the creator of Veggie Tales.  Please don’t misunderstand, the show likes Veggie Tales, and likes Pill Vischer.…read more »