Category Archives: Faith Debate

Blog posts for the Frederick Faith Debate.

Faith Debate: September 13th, 2020

Awakening to the Dangers of the Woke Movement The past two shows opened with comments about a political video produced by Phil Vischer, the creator of Veggie Tales.  We started there because when discussing big worldview ideologies that use big fancy philosophical terms it can seem so irrelevant to everyday life, so “out there somewhere”. …read more »

Faith Debate: September 6th, 2020

Critical Race Theory and the Church One can only wonder why such an army of professing Christians have offered up teachings (represented pretty well by Phil Vischer, the creator of Veggie Tales, in a viral video) as something delicious for other Christians to gobble up. Consider, for example, that the video does not quote Scripture…read more »

Faith Debate: August 30th, 2020

Beginning to Understand the “Woke” Church If you like to talk to tomatoes, if a squash can make you smile, if you like to waltz with potatoes up and down the produce aisle, then you’ve probably seen the 17-minute video posted in mid-June by the creator of Veggie Tales. Phil Vischer’s masterfully crafted presentation of…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, August 23rd, 2020 – 9am

Cultural Marxism and the Gospel Do Christians have reason to not support the Black Lives Matter foundation and the movement bearing their name?  What about defunding the police?  How should Bible believers understand the widespread response of rioters?  The political response?  The church response?  In a world that has shifted very sharply into Postmodernism, Deconstructionism,…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, August 16th, 2020 – 9am

Looking to Answer “Race” Questions Biblically On social media a self-professing Christian who grew up in the church said to me, “Do I think you or white conservative Christians are less likely to oppose murder?  No, absolutely not.  However, are you more likely to try to justify the actions of a white police officer killing…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, August 9th, 2020 – 9am

A Christian Conversation About Ethnocentrism A friend of Troy’s recently remarked that, what he called white Christians, “Have lots of posts about riots, unrest, and damage, but almost none about George Floyd’s death or the many victims who preceded him without receiving justice.  These posts tell me pretty clearly what’s more important to them.  It’s…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, August 2nd, 2020 – 9am

Seeing Things in Black and White On Facebook recently Troy had a long exchange with someone holding a progressive (deconstructionist) view of the world.  During part of this exchange he wrote:  “I took note of your reference to the ‘evil’ we witnessed in the killing of George Floyd because so many white and conservative Christians…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, July 26th, 2020 – 9am

Reflections on Black and White Relations Many black people have said that they have little expectation of being treated fairly by police in any situation.  Even worse, lots of them say they have a high expectation of being demeaned, abused, and being treated violently in any encounter with law enforcement.  And yet there are those…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, July 19th, 2020 – 9am

Injustice Should Make Us Angry These words were recently written by a black man, “I’m angry because the stories of injustice that have been passed down for generations seem to be continuing before our very eyes.  I’m angry because white people don’t get it.  I’m angry because black people don’t get it, either.”  And he…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, July 12th, 2020 – 9am

Angry, Fearful, Embarrassed, Sad, Sympathetic, Offended, Confused, Introspective, Hopeless, Hopeful, and Encouraged Lack of accountability.  Lack of justice.  Their deaths matter.  Their lives matter.  The issue can’t be avoided.  Someone, somewhere, and somehow needs to do something about it.  We’re talking about “racism”.  Some say we’re talking about “systemic racism”.  We talk about it every…read more »