Category Archives: Faith Debate

Blog posts for the Frederick Faith Debate.

Program Air Date: Sunday, December 15th, 2019 – 9am

Why House Church? More and more people are leaving big traditional churches in favor of churches that meet in a living room.  These are not merely church planters with dreams of one day growing into a big traditional church.  These are church planters who intend to keep their churches meeting in living rooms forever.  What…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, December 8th, 2019 – 9am

Leaving Traditional Church for a House Church There is a movement in the American church that would appear to be gaining momentum.  People are forsaking churches that meet in large sanctuaries in favor of churches that meet in someone’s living room.  This episode of the Faith Debate shares the backstory of a pastor who left…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, November 24th, 2019 – 9am

Are Those Drawn to Homosexuality Born That Way? If a person identifies as same-sex-attracted, shouldn’t they be able to be in a gay relationship if they want to?  And who are Christians to judge in saying one way or the other.  Doesn’t the Bible say not to judge?  Plus, Christians don’t follow the Old Testament…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, November 17th, 2019 – 9am

The Case for Traditional Marriage in the Christian Church What does the Bible say about homosexuality?  What does Christian tradition say about it?  Can two people of the same sex be married?  Why or why not?  When, if ever, is sexual intercourse a sin?  What makes us say so, whatever our answer?  The panel today talks…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, November 10th, 2019 – 9am

The Case for Homosexuality in the Christian Church Politically there’s been a move to have what some call “same-sex marriage” recognized in all 50 of the United States.  This has had an important judicial component, too, as the courts have heard lawsuits over making cakes for what some call “gay weddings”.  Culturally there has been…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, November 3rd, 2019 – 9am

Homosexuality and the Christian Church Have you heard?  The issue of homosexuality is bringing division to the Christian church in recent years.  The Episcopal church now allows the ordination of openly gay clergy, but not until after a big fight within the denomination.  The Methodist church had a big international denominational vote on allowing same…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, October 27th, 2019 – 9am

15 Years of Debate: Behind the Scenes How did “The Faith Debate” come into being?  How did the show get to where it is?  Where does it go from here?  This episode marks the completion of 15 full years of Faith Debating.  From the Bush years, through the Obama years, and into the Trump years;…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, October 20th, 2019 – 9am

A Meeting All Due to an Introduction by Frederick’s “Morning Mayor” Frederick’s newest author has written the book “Renewing Your Mind Daily”.  It seeks to immediately inform the reader that supernatural experiences are not exclusively reserved for Bible days.  They are a reality to be enjoyed even in this modern era.  Rohan Stewart says the…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, October 13th, 2019 – 9am

Multi-week Conversation: Part Three One of your neighbors has written a book.  In it he exposes, through his personal experience and those of others, what he calls the unfathomable joy of tapping into God’s Omniscience.  This is Rohan Stewart’s first book.  “Renewing Your Mind Daily” shares a number of messages that he got through dreams,…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, October 6th, 2019 – 9am

Continuing a Talk With an Author The book “Renewing Your Mind Daily” is brand new and has been written by a local, Rohan Stewart.  His book seeks to extract key elements of what he calls “Kingdom culture” from a combination of testimony, personal experience, and biblical events.  It’s a call away from conforming to the…read more »