Category Archives: Faith Debate

Blog posts for the Frederick Faith Debate.

Program Air Date: Sunday, December 23rd, 2018 – 9am

How Ecumenical is Too Ecumenical? This is a real and serious question for Christ’s church.  As a case study, this shows looks at the National Day of Prayer.  Each spring a number of Christian church leaders gather with political leaders all across the nation to pray and encourage common values.  What faith traditions should be…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, December 16th, 2018 – 9am

Where Can Christians Disagree and Still Consider One Another To Be Fellow Believers? Should views of a coming “rapture” from a great tribulation separate people within the church?  How about definitions for understanding the “Millennium”?  Or accepting that the gift of tongues is for today, or not?  Or debates over baptism of adults by immersion…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, December 9th, 2018 – 9am

Who’s “In” and Who’s “out” When Counting Followers of Jesus Christ? To be “in” does there need to be agreement that there is one eternal God Who has created the entire universe?  And/or that Jesus was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life; that Jesus is God  – and a man who died…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, December 2nd, 2018 – 9am

Best Strategies for Proclaiming the Gospel This has to do with what’s called apologetics and evangelism.  The importance of knowing the truth about the Gospel is what, exactly?  The reasons why some people never convert to Christianity are what, do we think?  What hinders a person from converting?  What can Christian believers and leaders in…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, November 25th, 2018 – 9am

Men’s Ministry (Particularly Jail and Post-Jail Ministry) The church’s response to those who are incarcerated is what?  Should be what?  What are the spiritual, social, economic, and relational dynamics?  How does this play itself out in the prisons themselves?  How does it play out in the communities where former prisoners are working to plug themselves…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, November 18th, 2018 – 9am

The Importance of Godly Leadership in Local Churches How important, really, are godly leaders in churches?  We’re not asking about the lead pastor, but about the other leaders.  The elders, deacons, board members, committee chairs, and even paid office staff.  Is your church careful, thoughtful, and prayerful enough about filling these positions?  What happens when…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, November 11th, 2018 – 9am

What is Frederick’s Spiritual Climate?  What is the spiritual climate in Frederick?  Local pastors, on several occasions, have said that advancing the Gospel of grace in Frederick County is like “plowing pavement.”  This is not a common word picture, in any context.  Yet, several pastors… separate from and independently of… one another, have use this…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, November 4th, 2018 – 9am

Are There Limits on the “Book of Science” and/or the “Book of Special Revelation”? Is the Book of Science a valid source of truth alongside the Bible as a book of revelation?  Post-modernism has practically given up trying to find any truth in science or Scripture.  Should Thomism, the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, be revived…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, October 28th, 2018 – 9am

Was Thomism Good for Christian Truth? In response to the Reformation, the Catholic Church heavily endorsed the work of Thomas Aquinas, elevating Thomism to a status second only to the Bible itself, it would seem.  Other philosophical systems today disagree with Thomism on many points, but Thomism remains a dominant philosophical worldview.  Here this week…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, October 21st, 2018 – 9am

Historical Context of Thomism.  Thomism is the system of philosophy developed by Thomas Aquinas, a Catholic scholar who harmonized the philosophy of Aristotle with the theology of Christianity.  Thus, creating a system of thought that has become one of the most influential in history.  Aquinas’ philosophy was popular during his lifetime, but where did philosophy…read more »