Category Archives: Faith Debate

Blog posts for the Frederick Faith Debate.

Program Air Date: Sunday, August 5th, 2018 – 9am

The effect of sin on the human soul (especially as related to “lostness”) What’s the relationship between what’s physical and what’s spiritual when it comes to our mind, our actions, our “fill-in-the-blank”?  Does sin negatively impact one’s reason/intellect/heart/emotion/mind/body/spirit/etc?  Can one’s emotions be trusted?  One’s intellect?  One’s will?  Does the Lord redeem one of these more…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, July 29th, 2018 – 9am

How should a Bible believer understand the make-up of mankind?  This show lays the groundwork for a four-part series by defining our terms.  What do we mean by Soul, Heart, Mind, Will?  Is it some combination of Heart, Mind, Will that form the human Soul?  Pretty deep philosophical question, isn’t it?  Helping to hash out…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, July 22nd, 2018 – 9am

The Middle East – Faith and Religion  Dr. Jerome M. Segal, is running for US Senate in the June 26th Democratic Primary against a slate of candidates, including sitting US Senator Ben Cardin.  Dr. Segal is a Senior Research Scholar at the Center for International and Strategic Studies, Research Scholar at the Institute for Philosophy…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, July 15th, 2018 – 9am

The Middle East – The Politics  The U.S., the U.K. and the French military responded with force after haunting images of poisoned and dying children surfaced in the aftermath of a chemical weapons attack in Syria.  President Donald Trump promised a swift response and followed through with bombings of strategic targets in Syria.  What does…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2018 – 9am

The Middle East – The Theology  Dr. Jerry Segal, from the University of Maryland, has spent much of his life involved at the highest levels in the Middle East peace process, including being the head of the Washington DC based Jewish Peace Lobby.  And now his candidacy for the U.S. Senate in Maryland has recently…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, July 1st, 2018 – 9am

The Middle East – The Big Picture  The Middle East is on fire.  At least it seems that way.  It has always seemed that way.  Why?  What’s at the root of the conflicts?  What’s been tried to bring peace?  And what should be tried next?  On the panel are two men who share their understanding…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, June 24th, 2018 – 9am

School Choice and the Role of Government in Education  Dr. Tony Campbell is a candidate for U.S. Senate in the June 26th Republican Primary.  Dr. Campbell is a Charter School Board Member, Member of the Baltimore County School Board Nomination Commission, and father of two.  This week the Faith Debate discusses enabling the American Dream for…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, June 17th, 2018 – 9am

Conservative, Black, Christian… and Running for Office in Maryland  Dr. Tony Campbell is a candidate for United States Senate in the June 26th Republican Primary.  Dr. Campbell is a university professor with a PhD (and M.Div) from Liberty University and Former Army Officer (Chaplain).  This edition of the show takes time to discuss Donald Trump’s policies…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, June 10th, 2018 – 9am

Conservatism (Politically & Theologically) in a Liberal State (Politically & Theologically)  Dr. Tony Campbell is a candidate in the June 26th Republican Primary, seeking to unseat sitting United States Senator Ben Cardin.  Dr. Campbell is a published author, Presidential Appointee, Member of the American Legion, and Past Executive Board Member with the Maryland Republican Party.  This…read more »

Program Air Date: Sunday, June 3rd, 2018 – 9am

Politics and Religion  Dr. Tony Campbell is running for US Senate in the June 26th Republican Primary against a slate of ten other candidates, each hoping to eventually unseat sitting US Senator Ben Cardin.  Dr. Campbell is Past President of the Reagan Republican Club, Member of the NAACP, Treasurer for the Greater Towson Republican Club, and…read more »