Category Archives: Blogs

10_04_22 Matt Breeding of Wash Co GOP Joins MNE

In this segment… Matt Breeding from the Washington County GOP joins Bob Miller and Ryan Hedrick to discuss Eisenhower Dinner featuring Matt Gaetz. Also, the guys discuss Dan Cox and his chances of winning the gubernatorial race. read more »

10_04_22 Fan Tackled on MNF and Looking at Midterm

In this segment… A protestor’s evening met a violent end in Monday night’s game between the Los Angeles Rams and host San Francisco 49ers. With seconds remaining in the first half, a man ran onto the field at Levi’s Stadium carrying a pink smoke flare. He sprinted across the the 30-yard line during a break…read more »

Faith Debate: October 2nd, 2022

Faith Debate: October 2nd, 2022

Theodicy Shortly after the anniversary of 9/11, and the day after the 5th anniversary of the Las Vegas Shooting, the panel discusses why bad things happen in the world and whether God has a hand in it. This is episode four of four that were recorded while live streaming. The full video is available on…read more »